Our Areas
For Successful Projects!
CEU Consulting GmbH (CEU) is a dynamic public sector consulting company based in Vienna, Austria. It focuses exclusively on providing Technical Assistance in Official Development Assistance contracts.

The project management process of the organisation is ISO 9001 conform. Emphasis is placed on sustainability of outputs to ensure long-term impact of the project outputs after project completion. Sensitivity to the specific nature of public sector practice, which may entail periodic and disruptive organisational restructuring as well as potential loss of trained staff due to private sector opportunities, has caused CEU to pay particularly close attention in developing outputs which embed knowledge in written procedures and printed or data knowledge resources. Through these means, the attrition of knowledge capital so prevalent within cash-strapped administrations can be countered.
Selection of recent and ongoing projects:
BiH - EU Promotion
Information and Communication activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2019-2020 in Bosnia and Herzegovina Project website.
ASEAN - Climate change
TA to the Identification and Formulation of EU Support to Low-Carbon, Sustainable and Climate Resilient ASEAN Cities. 2017-2019
Jamaica - Health Programme Management
Reduction of Maternal and Child Mortality (PROMAC) Technical Assistance Team 2014 - 2018
Malawi - Elections
Exploratory Expert Mission Malawi under EOM – Electoral observation programme
2019 -
BiH - Governance
Evaluation of the European Instrument for democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) - Country Based Support Schemes 2018
Montenegro - Environmental Protection
Finalization of Protection Study for Ulcinj Saline 2017 Project website.
Montenegro - Emergency Medicine
Provision of training programme for search and rescue staff and health care staff. 2016-2017
Somalia - Elections
EU Election experts mission (EU EEM) Somalia / Expert presence for the abbreviated alternative election process Somalia. 2016-2017
St.Lucia - Health Quality
TA for the development of a CQI programme and establishment of a clinical governance system for the Saint Lucia health sector. 2015-2016
BiH - EU Promotion
Management of EU Info Centre and info points in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2016 - 2017
Project website link. -
Honduras - Elections
European Union Electoral Follow-up Mission (EU EFM) 2016
Indonesia - Aceh's forest study
A Total Economic Valuation of Aceh's forests (TEV) 2016
Benin - Elections
Election Expert Mission Benin 2016 under EOM – Electoral observation programme 2016
St. Lucia - Hospital Support
Supervision of Installation of Hospital Equipment at the New National Hospital. 2013 - 2015
BiH - Public Health
Public Health Reform II - The project supports health care reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina through harmonisation of relevant public health legislation.
Rwanda - Nutrition
TA to introduce and consolidate country-wide regular growth monitoring and stunting screening of children aged 6-24 months. 2014
Zambia - Pharmacology
Mission to Support Zambia Medicines Regulatory Authority to prepare the interventions for an agreed EU support project. 2014
Jordan - Water Info Sys
TA to the Ministry of Water and Irrigation for formulation of a project: development of a national water information system.
Macedonia - Water
Formulation of a project - Reform in the system for water supply, collection and treatment at local level.
Ethiopia - Forest Management
Project Evaluation - Scaling-Up Participatory Ethiopian Forests Management project.
Kenya - Water Protection
Formulation of Water Tower Ecosystem Productivity Programme to support Water Tower Protection and Climate Change Mitigation.
Turkey - Scholarships
Technical assistance for Jean Monnet scholarship programme Continuation, Management and development of scholarship programme.
Macedonia - Parliament
TA to the Parliament to enhance the institutional capacity of the Parliament to further improve its transparency and accountability.
Saint Lucia - Hospital Evaluation
TA for evaluation of the new national hospital equipment international supplies tender.
Serbia - Emergency Medicine
TA to Support the Reform of the Emergency Medical Service in Serbia under Governemnt's health reform.